I dedicate my Friendship Friday to my sister, Cathy. We just enjoyed a fantastic visit!! This was the first time that she had been to South Carolina to visit me (other than my wedding). She was my matron of honor and I was a flower girl in her wedding. I think that is so special!! We actually did everything that I had listed on last week's Thursday Thirteen. I didn't list her falling out of my car an hour after I picked her up and having a medical scare as one of the 13 things that we would do, though. Darn those handles on her carry-on bag that tripped her up!! Thanks goodness we didn't have to go to the hospital for stitches!! We did miss some stores, so I guess she'll just have to come back out to visit:) Even though there is 14 1/2 years difference between us, we enjoy each other's company and I think we're finding that we have a lot in common now that I'm older. You know how they say the age gap shortens as you get older? That's us. You know how they say "I've become my mother"? That's also us. We both have become our mother, and we both feel proud that we could be even half the women that our mother is. My sister inspires me with her faith and what a fantastic mother that she is. She has raised some great boys!! I can't wait to have a child so I can call her to ask for advice. We both love to cook, and unfortunately love to eat!!
We had some great food while she was visiting, and she loved The Fresh Market as much as I do!! We both love to shop and are both purveyors of stuff!!! I can't even imagine how many shopping hours that we logged in the 5 short days that she was here. I hope that this fall visit will become a yearly tradition with us!!

Aunt Cathy brought the girls a toy and some treats. You can see that they were really "into" her.

I gave her a surcie for coming to visit me: a monogrammed flag.

She bought a Spring Valley Country Club camoflauged hat for her husband (the hunter in the family). This would be her "Git 'er done" pose!!

I think she formed a bond with Ashleigh. She even let her sleep between her legs while she played on the computer.

My parents would have been so proud if they would have been with us. This is our "Pig Party"!! Growing up, when you went on vacation with my parents you always had a "pig party" in the hotel room. It required bringing lots of junk to the room and pigging out!!! We might not have been in a hotel room, but we definitely pigged out!!!

We were able to visit Dena at her store on the way to Charleston. Of course, we both had to walk away from the store with some bags of stuff. As I said before, my sister and I both love stuff!!!

On our way home from Charleston, we stopped at Dena's house to visit with Dena, Annie and Georgia. Although she was watching t.v. when we got there, Annie definitely turned to entertaining us. Georgia is always fun to play with too.

Here we are in front of Rainbow Row in Charleston.

There are many beautiful gates in Charleston. We stopped to take a pic in front of one of them.

Cathy and Mike enjoyed the Joggling Board in front of Hyman's Seafood.

I had to take a picture of Cathy trying to pack her bags. We had sooo much fun shopping!! Mom is so proud of us because we bought some matching outfits (She loved dressing us alike when I was young). We bought so much that she had to leave some bags for my parents to bring home to her when they come to visit plus she had to buy another bag at the airport because hers weighed too much!!! (Don't you love all my boxes stacked in the background? Only a few more weeks and I will finally be able to unpack all those boxes that I am so sick of looking at.)

I hated telling her goodbye at the airport. I miss her already, and hope that she comes down to visit again soon!!!
Hey! Now that's a BIG blog! It looks like we had fun! I'm still recovering from the fall. Dr. Mark here I come. The "girls" surely miss me by now. I think the "Spring Valley Hunter" picture turned out nicely. I look extremely attractive. Can ya'll say REDNECK !?!?!?!?
It sounds like you had such a great visit. I am the youngest and Mari is the oldest so we didn't get really close until I got married either. I really love the idea of a "pig party". Mari, Terri and I are going on our Christmas shopping trip next Friday and we stay at a hotel overnight. WE just might have to try that!
Yup, the pig party sounds like fun. Might that be why I look like I do? I'm glad you all had such a great time. There's nothing like getting together with sisters!
I love seeing Charleston again. I'm glad you had a good time with your sister - sisters are the best!
It was sooo good to see Cathy! She always makes me smile! I know how much you adore your family and LOVE their visits! I am glad you got to do sooo much fun stuff and that I made the list! Kisses
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