It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you that my dear friend, Steve Caswell, has lost his battle to cancer this morning. Even though I know that he is in no more pain and that he has gone to be with the Lord, selfishly my heart is breaking. I hurt for his wonderful wife and his five beautiful girls. I can't begin to imagine what they are going through. He was one of the greatest men that I have ever known, and I will miss his friendship. He was the most positive, kindest, generous, Godly man. I felt at peace around him. Melanie and Steve were one of the first people that we told when we lost our first pregnancy, and they comforted us and gave us confidence that everything was going to be okay. They understood what we were going through since they had lost 4 pregnancies, but they still ended up having 5 gorgeous girls. He called his wife Melanie his "bride". I always loved that. He had so much respect for her, and treated her like a princess. One of the many things about him that made me look up to him. We told him on several occasions that we aspired to be like them when we grew up, even though they are not much older than us. They just had that "it" factor. You wanted to be around them, you wanted to be like them. I can't even begin to tell you the generous things that he has done for us. He was like that with everyone, though. He would have taken the shirt off of his back to give to you if you needed it. When my neighbor's house burnt down, I sent out an e-mail to see if anyone had anything that I could take to the family in need. He was the first to respond, and within 2 hours he had brought me a pile of clothes for the dad. He took numerous trips to Louisiana after Katrina hit to deliver supplies and clothes. There are so many stories like that about him. He was also a youth leader, and has touched thousands of lives through the years. Must be why he has had 145,025 visits to his caring bridge site since December. I can't wait to see you again in heaven, my dear friend!!
Oh, Leigh Ann...I'm so sorry for your loss. What a wonderful man he seemed to be. I will be praying for those beautiful daughters and his sweet wife....
Leigh Ann, I am so sorry to hear of this. I will be praying for you and for his precious family that he has left behind. What a comfort to know that he is safe and whole in his Father's arms. I pray that his family will find comfort in that.
I'm so sorry. I'll keep his family in my prayers.
I am so very sorry for your loss. When I read the caring bridge entries when you first posted about him you could just tell what a truly special man he was.
Praying for you and for his family.
Im so sorry, what a beautiful family. I will keep them in my prayers.
I'm so sorry to hear that. We'll be praying for his family.
I'm so sorry for your loss. He seems like he was a wonderful man. What a beautiful family. Praying for his wife, girls and you. God Bless
Oh, I am so sorry to hear about your great friend. I am sure that he will have a special place in heaven.
That is so sad. I am sorry for your friend :(
I'm so sorry to hear this.
My heart aches for everyone who was fortunate enough to call him friend! The world is a better place because he was here if only for the blink of an eye!
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