Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms out there, whether you've been a mom for a long time, are a new mom, a mom-to-be or wish you were a mom... the most special job that you will ever do in your life is that of motherhood.
I was blessed with the most wonderful mother that a girl could ever ask for. She is an absolutely beautiful woman inside and out with the kindest heart and most giving spirit. She instilled in me all of the important things that make me who I am today. She taught me to be kind, generous, thoughtful, loving, compassionate, optimistic, ethical and trustworthy. She learned those traits from HER mother, who I also hope to be like when I grow up. My grandmother was one amazing woman!! My mother taught me to be a girly girl from the age of birth (I had a baby bangle and ring on from the time I was born until...Oh! I still like bangles and rings:). She always spent her time with me whether it was playing school, dolls, Barbies or games, teaching me to cook and make cry puss (that was what I called pie crust), shopping, lunching, movies... You name it, we did it together. I then grew older and cried my way through those horrible years of grades 4-8. She was always there for me to dry my tears, and try to make it all better. She loved me and supported me unconditionally through my growing years when I know I wasn't the easiest person to love. She let me move 12 hours away from home to go to college, even though I'm sure that she would have never chosen that for me. She let me be me. She let me grow and spread my wings. I know that it broke her heart to see me drive away every time I would come home for a break. I know this because she still gets weepy when we have to leave each other. The difference is now I cry too. I would give anything to live close to my mother. She is one of my best friends and I wish I could be with her more. I miss going out to lunch with her, going shopping, cooking, watching TLC or just staying up late and talking. Many things in my life just don't seem complete without having her close to share it with her. If your mom lives close to you, don't take it for granted. Give her a big hug and tell her how much you appreciate her. I just hope that I can someday not only be a mother, but be a mother like her and make her proud!!
She looked beautiful on my wedding day.

Leigh Ann - what a nice tribute to your Mom. You look like her and are also beautiful on the inside too! Obviously she did a great job in raising you!
I love the tribute to you mom, I'm sure she loved it.
I'm guessing your mom got a little weepy reading this too- it was beautiful.
I must say Dorothy Louise does ROCK!
What a great tribute to the Mom's in your life. It was beautiful.
That is so sweet. My mom lives 3 mintues away. I should be thankful everyday! Happy Mother's Day (I mean you have doggies, right?!!)
You look so beautiful!
Beautiful pictures, you looked gorgeous!
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