What a fun day!!! This doesn't happen very often in South Carolina. We are having a Snow Day!!! I was laughing last night when they canceled school for today. I was thinking that the person in charge of canceling school just wanted to stay home today to watch the Inauguration. While that might be true, we have gotten some snow. Now, it is not like the snow that I grew up with. We won't be making any snowmen, but it IS accumulating on my porch. I wish my camera could capture the snow swirling in the air, but it just doesn't. Just imagine some large white raindrops that disappear when they get close to the ground. By the way, I think Walmart and the grocery stores are out of bread, milk and tunafish.
Here's Ali prancing through the snow on the back porch. She says "Hey. I remember this stuff. It's been a few years, but I like playing in it."

they canceled school for THAT???
Oh my goodness!
Try 35+ inches in 3 months here....
We've got Jennisa topped. We've had 85 inches already this year!
I think it's absolutely hilarious that they would close schools for that measley bit of snowfall. How do Southerners transplanted in the North even deal with it?
Oh I am jealous. We had snow but it DID NOT STICK AT ALL!! Ugh!!! I want a real snow day!
Oh I am jealous. We had snow but it DID NOT STICK AT ALL!! Ugh!!! I want a real snow day!
NO WAY!!! You know Lily?!? What a crazy small world! Even crazier b/c I'm leaving today to see her this weekend. She will die when she finds out. I will give her a big hello and tell her to check out your blog. She'll love catching up I'm sure.
Thanks for your sweet comment! Come back anytime.
hahahahaha! that is a snow day!
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