I missed church this past Sunday. Mentally exhausted is the best excuse I have. My friend Margaret told me that I needed to watch the message online. I finally watched it tonight. It was the first part in a series called "How to Be Rich- Finding God in a Difficult Economy". It was really good. It got me to thinking and putting things into perspective. If you want to watch it, check out www.seacoast.org. Click music and messages under Seacoast resources, then click messages, then click 2008, then How to Be Rich- Finding God in a Difficult Economy. It blessed me. I hope it blesses you. As I looked around on my church's website, I came across the scripture below. It jumped out at me. I thought I would share it in case it might help someone else. I probably should make several copies of this to keep around my house and in my car.
James 1:2-4 (New International Version)
2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
She is so beautiful and I know you will be the best Godmother ever! I'm so sorry about your job.
She is gorgeous- those cheeks!!!!!
I'm so sorry about your job.
I'm so sorry....that is such bad news....hugs to you!
Chloe is the luckiest little girl in the world to have you for a Godmother. She will know that someday.
Hopefully the job thing will work itself out in the near future. So sorry to hear it didn't work out. Who knows what might be around the next corner for you?
Hang in there !!!
Oh, Im so sorry about your job. That really SUCKS, to put it blunt.
Hope that baby continues to bring smile to you, she sure is a cutey.
Amen. Keep your head high!
Sorry about the job - the economy stinks everywhere. At least you've got that cute little baby to love.
Sorry to hear your bad news. If it makes you feel better I have been feeling that way this week too (not job related but all kinds of other things...) but I am hoping for a better week! Babies always make everyone feel better! :) She is a super-cutie with that bonnet.
LeighAnn I know you will be the best Godmother to Chloe because you have been a best friend to me and always will be. Chloe and I love you very much and we are always here for you know matter what!!!!!!
Your Goddaughter is beautiful! I know she makes you proud. I hope that you can find those boot straps soon. It is so very hard to put time and most importantly yourself into something just to have it not pan out. Good Luck!
Just thought i would say that your journey and someone else's came to my attention on the same day. So I wrote a prayer for all of the women like us. It's on my blog. Hope you are having a great day!!!
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