I'm just pleased as punch!!! I am going to be beautiful baby Chloe's Godmother!!! I promise to love you and spoil you and be there for you and lead you down the right path (I won't tell you stories of the trouble that your Mommy and I got into until you're older). I love you, baby girl!!!

Miss Chloe is a very fortunate little girl. Aunt Lele will most definitely spoil her. She is very beautiful by the way. I have not seen her pic since she was born. Could I maybe bring her to SC?
She is so beautiful!
What a lucky little girl to have you for a godmother.
How wonderful for both of you - you will both be blessed by this. She is beautiful!
She is a very lucky little girl....congrats.
What a beautiful little girl. I'm sure you'll have many wonderful times together.
That's so exciting, she's beautiful!
Hey Honey,
Its mommy of Chloe. It will be our pleasure to have you be Chloe's Godmother and I know you will be wonderful. Thanks again for just being a great bestfriend!!!!
See you Soon Love you Nancy and Chloe : )
PS. I can't wait to bring her to SC to visit!!
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