Friday, May 9, 2008

Friendship Friday

I couldn't possibly be more proud of my friend Ann Marie. She won Teacher of the Year for South Carolina. She is the first special education teacher from South Carolina to win the prestigious award. She won a fab cash prize, the use of a BMW Roadster for a year and has been traveling the state for speaking engagements. She also just got a grant to start a one-of-a-kind special education mentoring program for our state. Very cool!!! She had the honor to take a trip to DC to be recognized and meet the President. She had her pic taken with him in the oval office and kissed him on his cheek. It would not exactly be my choice of President to kiss on the cheek, but it is still puts her in Rock Star Status!!!
Update: For those of you who don't read my comments here is what Ann Marie said when she commented on this post "I also told him that he looked much cuter in real life...silly, I know but I normally I say what I think and this was no exception. he he he" She is too cute!!!

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Dena said...


Terri said...

The car is cool but I think meeting the president would be awesome!
Lucky girl!

Dena said...

Um - totally changing - Still love it - she is a TOTAL ROCK STAR - you are such a freakin' DEMOCRAT! GO ELEPHANTS - Kick the ASSES...ever wonder why the dems are donkeys - JUST WATCH TV!

The Birds Nest said...

Now, I was not posting this in a "I sway a little more Democrat" way. I was just sayin' that there are MANY other Presidents that I would rather meet than George W. I'm not happy with the Democrats right now either. I vote for the person, not the party!!

Cheri said...

Oh boy- I'm stayin out of the political stuff!!
Very cool prizes and what an honor to be teacher of the year!!!
I think that puts you in rock star status too for being her friend-I guess in that whole 7 degrees of separation I would kind of be a rock star status since you're my friend!!

Mari said...

Yeah for her - that's a huge accomplishment! As far as the president - I would rather kiss George W than a lot of other ones! It doesn't matter though - regardless of who you vote for - I still love you!

Anonymous said...

I also told him that he looked much cuter in real life..silly, I know but I normally say what I think and this was no exception. he he he
Love, Ann Marie

Hipmomofboyz said...

She's alive. she's alive. I 'm glad you are back..I have been checking your blog everyday (just a little stalking)
How cool is that, that your friend got to met the Prez. and get a new car....
You know people in very high places...

jenniedub said...

I would so go meet the President, too! :) Except I would want to go hang out at the ranch, too!